Gisele Pessanha

Teacher of Portuguese

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Sobre mim

Sou sonhadora por vocação. E este sonhar mantem-me viva e ​determinada. Guardo em meu peito uma imensa vontade de acertar , de ​prosperar...De descobrir o que ainda há em mim para contribuir e ​retribuir.

Aprendo bem mais que ensino e assim caminho desfrutando de cada ​passo... De cada processo.

As minhas aulas refletem essa minha essência! É preciso ser feliz!

Não há aprendizado sem FELICIDADE!

About me

I am a dreamer by vocation. And this dreaming keeps me alive and determined. I carry ​within my chest an immense desire to get it right, to prosper... To discover what else ​there is in me to contribute and give back. I learn much more than I teach, and thus, I ​walk, enjoying each step... Each process. My classes reflect this essence of mine! It is ​necessary to be happy! There is no learning without HAPPINESS!

Education & Experience


MA in teaching ​Portuguese as a non-​native ​language.

Universidade do Minho, Braga, ​Po​rtugal.


Post-graduated in ​Distance learning and ​virtua​l interactions.

Serviço Nacional de ​Aprendizagem, Rio de Janeiro, ​Br​azil.


Graduated in Language ​and​ Literature.

Universidade do Estado do Rio ​de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, ​Brazi​l.


TE​FL level 5

Th​e TEFL Academy. Ireland.

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Education & Experience

Experience (​ Present )

Po​rtuguese teacher

Universidade do Minho, Braga, ​Portugal ​.( BabelUM )

Ex​perience ( Present )

Portuguese ​online teacher.​

Le​arnship, Germany.

Ex​perience ( Present )

Portuguese online ​teacher

Language Service, United ​Kingdo​m.

Ex​perience ( Present )

Pr​ivate lessons

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My Teaching ​Methodology

Click here to know ​more

Interculturality and Critical Discussion

Active Language Use in Real-Life ​Contexts

Inclusive and Respectful Learning ​Environment

Personalized and Engaging Learning



Activities taken from books

Topics covered in my ​courses.

Projects developed by my ​students

Synchronous ​lessons

Asynchronous ​grammar lessons

Coming soon

Reach out!

Gi​sele Pessanha

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